Undocumented Immigration is Wrong

Undocumented immigration is wrong both legally and morally.

“If you are under my roof, you gotta play by my rules.” The rules of a country are called laws. The laws of the United States of America declare that undocumented immigrants are illegal. ILLEGAL, as in “ murder is illegal”, or “stealing from a blind old lady is illegal”.

That’s the law of this land, you don’t have to like it, you can walk away — or, for those who are not on this land to begin with, you can simply not come here.

Yes, in this country, the right to pursue happiness is guaranteed, but the success of such pursuit is not, and one must at the same time abide by the law. Saying that the pursuit of happiness can exempt you from the law would be as ridiculous as saying that killing your boss would be justifiable as long as it makes you happier. Some might argue that crossing the border without proper documentation is more justifiable, less illegal, than murder. Even if they are right — even if they are so confident in their excuse for breaking the law, they should fight for this right through the legal system. Why not stand their ground in court? Why not sue the government, and (if they should lose,) appeal. If the answer is that the legal system is not good enough, do they honestly think that continuously and intentionally breaking the law is the correct first step towards fixing it?

Citizens of the moral high-grounds, who think yourselves too nice, too kind, and too righteous to be bounded by the law — you must agree that all human beings deserve equal human rights, and a part of those rights includes happiness(or at least the chance to fight for happiness.). You must also agree that everyone is equal, and deserves, equally, their own opinions. Now as the definition of morality is subjective, you have to agree that everyone deserves, equally, their own opinions on what is moral and what is not. This chain of logic leads us to the conclusion that everyone is entitled to their own definition of morality. Therefore, if we are to ignore the existence (and therefore the breaking) of laws, if illegal immigrants can come into this country in pursuit of their happiness because such action is allowed by their (or your) moral code, a miserable employee should also feel free to kill his boss in pursuit of his happiness, as long as such action is allowed by his moral code. You might disagree with his moral code, but in the spirit of equality and diversity, it should hold the same weight as yours.

Now you might argue that you are, in fact, morally superior than the murderer because justice is on your side and not his. Yes, murderers are condemnable because their pursuits of happiness have hurt the happiness of others. But do you honestly believe that the numerous undocumented immigrants crowding into this country wouldn’t harm any others? If it wouldn’t, why not invite every unhappy soul on earth to come to America — every refugee, every political victim, every …? Are you ok with a homeless man sneaking into your house, eating your food, sleeping on your bed and staying for eternity? If you are, how about two of them? ten? a million? Do you welcome absolutely everyone? murderers? child rapists? fascists? Where do you draw the line? In fact, you cannot draw any lines, because any rules (laws) you impose will be justifiably broken by anyone whose moral codes allow them to break rules.

If you are ok with countless random people from all paths of life breaking into your house uninvited and staying as long as they want, then by all means, please support undocumented immigrants in their pursuit of happiness. And by the way, please tell me the address of your home, because I’d loved to drop by too.
